© Copyright Elevated Photos Canada
Your photos, videos, floor plans or iGuide will be licensed to you (the agent) for the duration of the listing with that agent for use on MLS, brokerage and the agent’s websites, the agent’s ads and marketing material. The photos and/or videos cannot be sold or gifted to another party to promote their business or work. Elevated Photos Canada must be credited if photos or videos are used in any publication articles that also promote the listing during their time under contract to sell the property. The photos, videos or iGuide items ARE NOT TRANSFERRABLE or allowed to be re-sold or gifted by the agent nor by the agent's client(s). Elevated Photos Canada holds all copyrights associated with the photos, videos and iGuide content produced. Elevated Photos Canada holds the rights to sell or re-licence the photos or videos unless otherwise agreed upon by both parties in writing. Elevated Photos Canada holds the rights to use the photos or videos to market the Elevated Photos Canada brand.
Please email shoot@elevatedphotos.ca if another party would like to licence the photos and we will prepare the agreement for them.
Copyright © Elevated Photos Canada
Photo copyright laws explained simply: